Being in top physical condition to perform in the sport is one of the best ways to avoid injuries, however, this might be unrealistic as most of us only practice a couple of times a week.
Therefore, taking measures to minimise the risk of injury is important.
Below there are some recommendations to minimise the risk of injury:
Some people believe that the harder you train the better you will play, however, rest is very important as it allows the muscles to recover and become stronger. It also help you prevent injuries due to overuse, fatigue and muscle strained.
Always Warm-Up Before Playing
Warming up helps your muscles get more flexible and prepares your body and mind, being ready physically and mentally allows you to make better decisions on the playing field and therefore, minimises the risk of injury.
Avoid Playing When Very Tired or in Pain
Listen to your body, if you feel to tired or you have pain, this is a good indication that your body is not in the best condition and that you should probably need to rest.